6 Months

6 Months Read simple stories with your baby.  Go to the library. They have a good collection of childrens’ books.

4-6 months

4 – 6 Months Mimic any sound your baby makes. This will encourage your baby to experiment more with sounds.

0-3 months

0-3 months However little Irish you may know, speaking some to your baby from birth is important since it gives your baby a great start.

29-40 weeks

29 – 40 weeks If you don’t speak Irish yourself why not ask family or friends to speak Irish with your child when it is born.

21-28 Weeks

21-28 Weeks You could start reading or singing to your child now.  The baby will increasingly hear sounds from the wider world.

13-20 Weeks

13-20 Weeks This is a good time to discuss language choice. It’s good to form a habit early on.

6-12 weeks

6 – 12 weeks It’s not too early to start talking to your baby. Hearing the sound of your voice is important to the little one.

0-5 Weeks

0 – 5 weeks You’ll be making decisions about your baby’s health and it’s also an opportunity to consider what language you might use with your baby.