4 – 6 Months
Mimic any sound your baby makes. This will encourage your baby to experiment more with sounds.
Every baby develops at its’ own pace. The following descriptions are general statements. Don’t be alarmed if your child doesn’t follow the points below.
Language Development
- At 4 months your child may start to respond when spoken to.
- At 5 months your child may recognise a few words e.g. mama or dada.
- At 6 months your child may start to mimic sounds and link words with objects, e.g. teddy and toy
- How about playing ‘where’s the toy’ with your baby? This will help baby to recognise objects. Later on the babyy
will be able to name the object.
- It’s not to soon to start teaching body parts to your child – check out the body part rhyme here
- Mimic any sound your baby makes. This will encourage your baby to experiment more
- Join a playgroup or consider a homevisit with Tús Maith